Guitar Diagram Applet

This applet displays guitar chord diagram embedded in a web page. It's free for non commercial use (that is, for individuals or non-for-profit organisation, and provided that the pages using this applet are accessible free of charge).

The diagram may have various sizes :

You can see more samples here.

To use this applet, you need only one file : "gd.jar", that you can download here.

The easiest way to add an applet depends from your HTML editor.
If you are using a plain text editor, you should enter an applet tag like this :

If you are using a WYSIWYG editor, then you can enter an applet, and set the arguments as follow :

You also need to add some applet parameters (the procedure depends on the editor your are using). Most common parameters are "diagram.positions", "diagram.fingering", "diagram.size", and "fret.number".

Here is the complete list of allowed parameters :

Parameter name Usage Sample value
href URL to fetch parameters from small.gdp
diagram.size Base size of diagram (adjacent string distance, in pixels), '0' means autosize 0
diagram.positions Fret position x32010
diagram.fingering Placement of fingers x01111
label.text Chord name above the diagram Cm7
label.font Chord Font Arial-PLAIN-12
label.hidden Chord name hidden no
background.color Background color blue or #0000FF
fret.number First fret index (shown in roman numeral) 3
fret.font First fret font Arial-PLAIN-9

The "href" parameter is useful when you have a lot of similar applets in a web page. It enables to "factor out" all presentation parameters (size, font, color...) in a separate file, so if you need to change for exemple the label font, you only have to change the definition file.

This is what is done in this page, there is a file called "small.gdp", giving all common parameters. This file is a plain text file whose content is shown below :
